Thursday, October 30, 2008

My plots

I am plotting to get rid of my hated roommate.
Megan has got to go. It has to be her that leaves because she is the only one who makes enough to find another place, she is making both mine and Poonam's life a living hell and it is two against one.
strength in numbers my friends.

The plot started out as a joke but the more the giant-turkey-like awkwardness continues the more the hostility in the air becomes thick enough to cut with a knife.

Seriously, we both hate her. She is ridiculous and bitchy and she has to go.
My plan begins with a cat. Simple and crazy.
She claims to be allergic to cats. Well, I guess we'll find out?
Poonam and I can me mary kate and ashley olson from it takes two and just piss megan off enough to leave on her own accord thus not making it a legal issue.
It's a full proof plan.
Man, I wish I had the guts to start with bringing home that cat, whose name is Elphaba by the way.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The time of my life

The best time of the year is definitely here.
I can feel it in the air.
I can taste the excitement.
I can feel my heart expanding.
I can breathe deeper and love stronger.
Life is good because Fall is here.
Halloween is here.
The holidays are coming and that makes me extremely happy because that means it is family time!!!
The end of the semester is coming and my head is way above water.
Josh is in my life.
I am praising God everyday for everything Jesus does for me.
How could life possibly get better...besides getting rid of my crazy roommate.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What I would say

So the slutty trash whore (that's her new name) wrote me a nice myspace message. She proceeded to call ME a loser, say that I am overweight (i'm 105lbs), called me disgusting, and in detail discussed her sexual acts with josh.
Everything rolled off my shoulders except for the detailed sex details. That of course made me sick to my stomach and made her the pettiest bitch ever.

I will never stoop to her level. I have far too much class, I am far from a loser, Not at all over weight and a quite attractive if I may say so myself. Not to mention I am 4 times closer to being everything I want to be and getting everything I want from life than she ever will.

I can say with utmost confidence that if I were half as bitchy as she is I would have texted her months ago calling her out for the trash that she is. I didn't call her, text her, stop to see her, email or message her. I did nothing because I am above that. She hurt me with her actions far more than I could ever have done to her.

I don't think she realizes that SHE was the other woman, although at this point with her I.Q. and immaturity I am not sure woman is the right word for her.
I am pretty sure she is the one who is heaver than me, and who never graduated high school and is not attending one of the top 20 universities in the country.

If I did say something to her it would go a little like this...
Girls like me get what they want out of life, the job they want, the friends they want, meet the goals they have and find the love they want. Guys want girls like me forever.
Girls like you are the mistakes boys make. Girls like you end up with an std and working in a restaurant till you die.

Who's the loser now Bitch?
(don't worry, I would never send this to her. There is no need, life will speak for me)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


If I were on The Office I would be pam. I would be on the party planning committee and create the finer things club. I have been planning parties like a mad woman lately and trying to be classier.
If I were on desperate housewives I would be bree because I am increasingly becoming more ocd.
If I were a super hero I would be a villain actually. I would be poison Ivy because I am a nature person and I think she is hot.
If I were a character in a broadway play I would be Elphaba because I am an animal activist and stand up for what I believe in.
If I were an animal I would be a dog because I am ridiculously loyal even after beaten with a stick and give unconditional love to my people.
If I were exactly the person I wanted to be I would be me.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


OMG, I GOT A TATTOO. This should be national news. I can't believe I actually did it.
I never really loved tattoos. I always thought people who had a bunch were trashy. Well, I still kind of think that, depending on what they are and where.
I, however think my tattoo is extremely cool.
I got a tattoo because I wanted something to sort of define who I am. I recently have been through a lot which has forced me to try and figure out who I am and if I like who I am.
I decided that the U.F. gator's symbol defines a lot of who I am.
I know that I am a hard worker, a lot of who I am depends on my work ethic. A huge part of who I am is because of the University of Florida.
How I got here.
What I had to do to get here.
Why I wanted to come...etc.
I decided this tattoo was a must.
I finally got it.
The location defines me also but not in the way one would think. I got it on my right hip area. It may seem slutty at first glance but I really got it there because I don't necessarily want people to see it all the time. In a bathing suit is really the only time anyone will see it under normal circumstances. I wanted it to be in a place that wouldn't hurt that badly, and no one could see if I wanted to be in a classy situation.
I am so excited about having it though. I will be posting pictures soon. I love it soo much.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I hate dating, it takes too much work. It was a fruitful night. I just hate the stupid games I am going to have to play.
Starting from scratch sucks.
dating is the worst