Tuesday, November 4, 2008

why christians are sometimes stupid

I am a Christian, just to clarify the subject.

I read a few of my Christian friend's facebook status and was very disappointed.
1) a lot of people are saying they don't care who wins the election they just want God's will to be done.
this is ignorant for several reasons.
a) God's will will be done whether you want it to be done or not, if you read the bible you would know that.
b) Not caring what happens to your country is just not patriotic, God wants people who love him, that doesn't mean you can't care about anything else.

I hate that and it really pisses me off that so many Christians want to seem as if the only thing they care about is God. That is fine if you love God with your whole heart and every thing but you can't stop caring about your country and your life.
Our next president is more than likely going to be Obama. I am scared for this country's safety. I am not going to Canada or Mexico but I am a little perturbed by the people who are putting their trust in this man.
I trust God and his will but that doesn't mean I don't care what happens to the rest of the country.
Get some brains Christians or you'll never win smart people over to God and we'll just have rednecks and idiots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are finally starting to get it. George Bush once said that he crafts his foreign policy according to God's will.
I have to say, in my opinion, the holy ghost doesn't make much of a cabinet member.

Besides, I think God would probably be for the guy who wants free healthcare, and taxes on the rich. He tends to side with poor people.

Also, in keeping with my general philosophy about religion, your friends should say whatever they want. It wont really matter.

Smart people read real books.