Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All the things I hate about you.

I hate that I never knew you were a liar. Your constant lies make me think I don't know you at all.
I hate that you were able to break me down this much but if you wanted you could build me up just as quickly.
I hate that you led me on at the worst possible time and in the worst possible way.
I hate that you are choosing her over me even though she won't be there for you when you need her but I will be.
I hate that you were capable of sleeping with her so soon.
I hate that when I wanted to sleep with you, you were always too tired but are never too tired to go to her house and sleep with her.
I hate that you are getting away from god when you wanted to get closer to him.
I hate that you may be turning into a bad person now.
I hate that she will be able to change you into someone you don't recognize because you are so easily sculpted by others.
I hate that you can't see what you had.
I hate that you choose someone over me who will only cheat on you as soon as you turn your back, I mean she cheated on her boyfriend with you and you really think she won't do the same to you?
I hate that you would want to sleep with her one last time before you got back together with me but would never cheat on her with me.
I hate that she will drag you down with her, she is a loser with no ambition or goals in life except to get a free ride from her parents.
I hate that you used to deserve me and you don't anymore.
I hate that I would still do anything in the world for you.
I hate that I love you unconditionally but your love is fickle, your love's condition only reaches to the city limit.
I hate that I know no one can love you as purely and as strongly as I do.
I hate that our connection is still so strong that we can laugh even at the worst moments of our lives.
I hate that you made the wrong choice.
I hate that when you realize what you have done it might be too late.
I hate that you still say you love me, how can that be true?
I hate that we may have lost each other forever and you don't care.
I hate that you would rather ignore me and discard me than to deal with me because I am in pain and you don't want to remember or see that it is your fault.
I hate that i ate up every thing you told me about how much you loved me and wanted to be with me, that you were willing to do anything for me to trust you again.
I hate that this pain may never go away.
I hate that I was the best thing to ever happen to you and all you want is the worst thing that could happen to you.
I hate that I miss you when you are not missing me.
I hate that I would rather be hurt than to live without you in my life.
Most importantly, I hate that you one day will regret loosing me when you could have had me.
I pray that she doesn't change you into someone like her. I hope that when the time comes you will have the balls to admit you were wrong. I pray that my heart won't be cold as ice when that day comes.
I pray that days like today will continue, days where I get hit on and get asked out repeatedly.
I hate that today was soo good because it proves I am desired by many even if it isn't you.
I hate that when I go on this date it might crash and burn because you are still in my soul.
I hate that I won't hide my feelings from you like you hide from me.

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