Sunday, July 6, 2008

I saw a ghost today

Twice actually.
I went to Ruby Tuesdays with my sister for her lunch break. I really wanted a carolina chicken salad and I wanted to see Josh But I also kind of wanted to see what the other girl looked like. I didn't really but the curious part of me did.
So we went up there and sure enough she was there waiting tables. She was wearing classes and her hair in a half bun. she knew nothing. She had no clue that I not only knew who she was but Hated her just for what she thinks is normal, seeing some guy at work and sleeping with him right after she met him.
I hated her but I still was so curious about who she was. I stared at her while I was going into the bathroom, This was the girl who has made me cry for the last 3 weeks. this is the girl who destroyed my world as I knew it.
I tuned into my manly side and rejected my feelings putting them off because I know I am still more important to Josh than she is. I was ok.
I had to work from 6pm to 4 am .
My night was going alright. It was slow so I was just surfing the net and talking to people. I was having a good time at work.
We start to get a few cars and all of a sudden I look up. It is a girl with alot of makeup in a red cavalier. She was wearing a green shirt and a sweater. she had her hair down and had her glasses still on. it was about 1am. I wasn't one hundred percent sure it was her. I missed my chance because I didn't have the balls to ask her what I was about to ask her.
I wanted to ask her "is your name Zorah?"
I didn't do it. I didn't want to hurt the time. I am kicking myself in the ass for not saying anything.
My first thought is I wonder if Josh invited her over to his house for a change. I didn't know she lived around here.
I called him, woke him up to confirm that who I saw was actually who I saw.
It was.
It was her. It was like seeing a ghost.
I came to her job and now she was at mine.
As soon as she left I died a little because I actually talked to her. I took her money, and handed out her food. She asked for a drink that she didn't order origionally and I said...oh we don't have that for you, but here you go. Don't worry about the cost.
I was actually nice to the one person I hate right now.
The only thing I can think now is that I am dying inside because of what I just experienced but she has no idea who she just met she has no idea that the girl at the taco bell drive through died a little because she had sex no more than a week ago with some guy.
She will never know what she has done.
She will never know who I am or how hurt I am.
She will never knew that I knew who she was because I didn't have the balls to ask, "are you Zorah?"

I will always know.

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