Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9/11 graphic novel

My new favorite thing to do is to grab the USA Today and read as much of it as I can before I get home from my day, its a mini challenge everyday. Thanks to him I am ever curious about what goes on in the world. Ever curious about politics and polices, etc. I just like to know things, that is truly thanks to him.

Today there was a sad and interesting story in the USA today. The story was about a woman who was 8 months pregnant when her husband died in one of the trade towers. It broke my heart. Well, actually it healed my heart ever so slightly. (He always grounded me to help me see things aren't as bad as I am making them, he would be wrong in this case, but they still aren't as bad as someone who is left alone in the world with a new born baby)

7 years later, she decided to write a comic book memoir. She is so strong to me. I am sure she wasn't a month after she lost her husband or even 6 months after. Losing someone you love that much is the hardest thing, in my opinion, to live through in this world. Anything is possible when you have someone you love more than anything at your side. I can imagine what she went through because I am getting a huge spoon full of that and it is hell-o-bitter.

In any case, she chose to take something painful in her life and turn her harsh emotions and feeling into a comic book/graphic novel. This is completely cool. She found someone to do her art work for her and she wrote the story just by taking things she wrote down when she was going through her first year without him.

maybe it isn't that great to most, to me it is amazing.

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