Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pop Culture: The future

The future is always tomorrow, but today is yesterday's future.
It's weird to think about but true.
A small instance on a college campus 6-9 months ago (I can't remember the month it occurred in) is going to be written down into our popular culture for everyone to see and remember forever. Sure eventually people will forget, but than as soon as someone says those four little words it will come popping up again.
I wonder if "Don't taze me bro" will be made fun of, at the shame of U.F., for decades to come. Maybe it will be in Trivial Pursuit, doubtful but you never know.
I bring this all up because many months after the event of a young man tazered by The U.F. police, which are basically security guards with huge egos, My USA Today crossword puzzle had a clue that read, "don't taze me___!" it was 3 down and had three letters. It was amazing. I even heard it on jeopardy last month. I can't believe that instance is not only national news worthy but also culturally funny enough to be made fun of by all facets of news and media. I want someone things else funny to happen on campus and let the whole world know about it so U.F. can be not only the number 1 party school but also number one retard school of florida. Thanks to U.F.P.D. we might just get there.

1 comment:

dMonti said...

that is awesome haha