Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Recently my idea of restarting my life means getting involved, trying new things, and above all doing things the right way this time.
I have many choices to make to ensure all of these ideas become realities.
1) I am going to have something planned to do at least 4 out of 5 week nights.
2) I am going to a church every sunday and church every Wednesday , which leaks into goal 1.
3) I am going to hang out with friends on campus, make sure I have a lunch date at least 4 out of 5 school days. Noonday with one of my organiztions will ensure that, it is a $3 all you can eat buffet at the BCM building every thursday.

The choices I have to make are...
Tonight I can workout, go to a bible study with BCM, go to a Rush event for a fraternity, or stay in an do homework.
I definitely have to be back by 9 for The Office, sooo excited!

I have other choices to make. There are right now 2 guys who want to "hang out" with me. Neither of them are my fav people in the world but they are both nice enough thus far.
I could go out with one of them or do one of the things already listed. I would however have to choose which one.

I like that my life has opened so many doors when one big one slammed shut in my face. I like that I get to choose now what to do instead of someone choosing what my fate will be.
The masses is right, when one door closes another opens...I just had no idea I would get so many doors opening at once.

Yay, I love making decisions.

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