Tuesday, July 29, 2008

pet peeves

the following are a list of my pet peeves...
1) guys who wear their pants down past their butt so you can see their ass crease.
2) pimped out cars that are so low to the ground that all the money they put into making it that low they will have to put into fixing it when they go over a large bump in the road.
3) being allergic to important healing devices such as neosporin, and to think I have never been allergic to anything until last year.
4) fake people.
5) Inconsiderate people
6) broken promises.
7) people at a drive through who ask, "are you still there?". No, we left.
8) Not following through with what I said I would.
9) Being late.
10) Fickleness

** watching a best friend turn from their morals and turn into someone they wouldn't even recognize or respect**

1 comment:

dMonti said...

I feel like I've become an important part of your life because I was with you when you said most of these in real life. Good job, David.