Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin

I watched Sarah Palin last night. Several things came to mind when watching her speech.
1) I believe she is balancing out the "lack of experience " argument many have had for the democrat's ticket. It is true, Obama is less qualified, in my opinion, to be President. Now, McCain has gone and picked someone who is possibly even less qualified. I think this sort of takes away alot of his argument on qualifications and years in the biz. Palin has only been gov. for 2 years. She in that time has done A LOT for alaska and her people love her and she is great, she "fights for them". But does she really have the experience with pressure and with larger scale government policy to do the job. I don't know. I am not convinced she is ready yet, although I think she is an awesome person.

2)She bashed Obama's experience as a "community organizer", at least he became a senator...come on. kind of a cheap and stupid shot.

3) She doesn't believe global warming is caused by man. I have to stop right there actually. There is scientific evidence that at the very least out emissions are higher than any other country besides china, and that that effects our ozone which effects the increased UV rays, which increased the temp levels of the world by more than 1 degree and is causing polar ice caps to melt at a quicker pace than other global temp. increases in the earth's history. I think the evidence that exists today should at least be recognized.

3)She is probably the most anti-environment candidate I have ever read about. Which in all fairness I have only in the last couple of years started to even read up about them at all. With that said, she does have some pretty terrible things to say about the polar bears...I guess she hasn't seen the commercial where one of them almost drowns in front of the camera. I guess they don't get cable way up there.

4) her cheap shots at Obama in the end made me laugh but were also That's politics.

I liked Palin a lot at first. I liked her enthusiasm, her family values, her integrity. The only thing I seem to not like about her is her policies. She is anti-environment, she is anti-sex education, sort of pro-marijuana, her husband even worked for an oil company...yeah that's great. She tells America she is fighting the oil companies in alaska yet her husband worked for them.And she does not want equal rights for homosexuals. I can't go along with that because my brother is gay. He would probably kill me if he knew I was thinking of voting for McCain and Palin.

Other than that she is good people.


Anonymous said...

I think she is hot. Yep. You left out hot.

Jbird518 said...
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headstrong gullibilty said...

1)It's not fair for you to tell me to get a sense of humor. I don't need a better sense of humor. I laughed, it was funny. That doesn't stop it from being cheap and I also admitted that that is politics. But these are also people who are saying they don't "give into those kind of politics" and yet they do. It's not a lack of humor that I brought those things up it was just something I noticed.
2) drilling now won't get us oil for another 5-7 years. In the time we are developing these oil outlets we will have damage to our environment, species loss, amongst other problems. She is trying to get Polar bears off the endangered species list, however, studies have shown they should be on the list and stay on the list until their populations increase that won't happen in the wild most likely because their habitat is depleting.

dMonti said...

I stay out of politics. She is attractive though.

Jbird518 said...
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