Monday, September 1, 2008

Everyone Falls

Paul wrote to Timothy that he should guard what God has given him. Avoid godless, foolishness from those who oppose you. Paul talked about how men fail, all fall short of the glory of god. He made it very clear in his instructions what we must do to avoid being greedy and avoid moral failures.
Paul pleaded with Tim to not be like the others. To guard his love for god and his teachings.

Even the most moral of men fail. Not one of us can be perfect.
A pastor's son, Micheal Guglielmucci, Claimed to have cancer a while back. He shared his testimony of God's healing in his life and even wrote an extremely popular song "the healer" which quickly became a fan favorite all over the world. He touched many people with his testimony and he claimed that God's power Lead him to teach others and write songs about his healing.
Turns out he never had cancer, he lied about the whole thing. His father now reports that he
Did these things out of a mental illness and his sex obsession, and the guilt he felt from his fall from grace.

If a Christian man can fall that far, what does that say about the rest of the men in this world. It turns out that we all fall victim to sin... The difference is a good man picks himself up and dusts away the dirt, repents and moves on. But how do we forgive that man. How do we deal with deception, after all deception isn't deception if it doesn't deceive you. No one starts out wanting to sin, well almost no one. We fall because we don't grow in christ and than we just fizzle into the depths of sin.
Paul pleads with tim and the rest of us to hold onto what love and purity god has given us.
Paul pleads with us to not turn into the other hypocrites...are you up to the challenge? I have seen many, including myself fall from God, at what point do we forgive?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean a miracle turned out to be a crazy Christian making shit up?
This is my surprised face :I