Monday, August 11, 2008

My man

I have grown up so much I hardly recognize myself, at least my worrisome side anyway. I know what I want from my life and I know what I want in a partner. I know myself and my strength, that which I get from God. I respect myself and as always hold my beliefs and values higher than anything else. I deserve someone who will love me for me and will want only me. I deserve someone who will realize how amazing and rare I am. I want someone who can make me laugh and won't make me cry. I want someone who has the same morals as I do and who is growing in christ with me. I want someone who wants a family as I do. I want someone intelligent who can always intellectually stimulate me. I want someone who puts God first, family second, friends third and work last. I want someone who believes in marriage and not divorce. I want someone who knows what they want. I want someone who I can trust the same way that they can trust me. I want someone who will have the same unconditional love for me that I am capable of having. I want someone who I can take vacations with and enjoy some silence but never be awkward with. I want someone I can fight with and who will fight back. I want someone who will defend themself from slander and has a high respect for honesty. I want someone who is literate, it seems like an odd request but I have seen quite a few guys who are not. I want someone who will challenge me when I am wrong and someone who will accept when they are wrong. I want someone who will value me. I want someone who will hold me without me having to ask just because they want to, someone who will understand when i am angry and act accordingly. Someone who i do not have to spell everything out for, someone who will care to know my habits and know my personality well enough that I won't even have to say what I want. None of this is too much to ask because almost everything I have already had. I refuse to believe I won't find what I want out of my significant other because I already had it and now I have to either keep it or find it again, depending on him. I don't believe in love at first sight and I am a rational and logical person, I expect the same values in the person I love. What I will not tolerate is being second choice or being a backup. I deserve better and i will get better if that is the case. I stand firm in what I want. Let no man take from me what I have finally found. Self worth and self respect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were you, I would definitely remove literacy from my list. Yeah, your chances go way up with a guy that can't read.