Friday, August 22, 2008

Oprah's Transexual show

I watched Oprah today, it was an enriching experience. The show was about men who decided they could no longer live their lives as men but wanted to be women. "They were born in the wrong body", said Oprah.
I don't agree with this. I can't believe that God or nature, for the sake of the argument, would allow a person to be put into the wrong body. To be born the wrong gender? Yeah right.
I digress...
The first family shocked the hell out of me.
The mad Don, now a woman named denise was married for many years before he told his wife and 3 kids that he wanted to be a woman and has been contemplating suicide because of having to be a man.
The wife does not kill him or hate him, or even leave him. She supports him/her.
This wife who has a vagina, has a husband who has a penis. They are married and they have sex, i would assume. At what point do you tell your husband that it is perfectly fine that they turn their penis into a vagina and get boobs attached to their body and their marriage will be fine?
To me this would mean that the husband is forcing his wife to become a lesbian.

I started to imagine what i would do If my husband approached me with this situation. I would feel betrayed and divorce him. God says that i would be committing adultery if I married another man but I am pretty sure if they change sex, God will let that one slide.

It was a weird show and I think that Oprah should screen her stories cause...awkward turkey galore on this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am drunk. If I was sober, my response would be even worse. What the fuck? Your blog is entirely dependent on the fact that transexuality is a myth. Do you know the amount of xy females, or xx males, that are out there? It is absurd. Imagine, for a moment, if everything you ever felt, every attraction, every hormonal variation you ever received, was in my body. Try to imagine your biological attraction betrayed you. How fucking loyal to the bible would you be? Every year, because of reasons outside of their genetic control, people are born in to condemned lives. You, as a biology student, should know better. Granted, I am currently to drunk to stand up, let alone argue. Either way, this blog is bullshit, and this deserves a starbucks day.