Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fullfilling a promise

When I started back at taco bell this summer I hated myself for going back, almost immediately. I began to need things to occupy my mind. I started to keep track via paper, pen, and tic marks what kind of customers came through and the qualities that stood out the most.
Here are the Characteristics...

retarded/annoying- 75
drunk- 53
Dog in the car-31
Fun/entertaining- 9
Crackhead/white trash- 40
Driving off rudley- 24

Minor characteristics that were observed only a few times-
High- 9
Cute guys- 6
cute girls- 5
smells good- 2
smells bad- 1

It seems as if the retards and annoying customers won the game. The Drunks were in second place by being most previlant and of course the assholes were the next most noticed characterisitc from a taco bell customer.
I am happy to report this data to you all because I know just how important it is for you all to know what I was doing with my summer, aside from becoming crazy and depressed.

In all fairness most of my summer I spent very upset or depressed so it might not be fair that everyone was mostly annoying, maybe I was just having a bad night that night...but really that goes without saying.

In any case it was good for me to show you all how hellish working there was...now you know what I dealt with and you also know that there are far too many people drunk driving. It's sad that a great deal of them were in the same line as a cop. Gotta love how observant they are.


dMonti said...

Glad that you passed the time productively lol. Good job. I might even use this data for my research class.

Anonymous said...

I hate going through the drive through. It always goes like this. I pull up, windows down, ready to go. There is nothing but silence coming from the little black box. I wait for what seems like an eternity, waiting for the box to initiate the seemingly simple encounter. Nothing.

Eventually, I determine that it is my responsibility to make this happen. I start by awkwardly saying something like...Uhm, Hello?

The box usually responds with an angrey welcome to _______, please hold for a moment. To which I generally apologize. Then, after a few minutes, the box then says, in a more exasperated tone "order when you're ready." This makes me feel like the box has been waiting on me the whole time.

So I begin my order, which is usually for multiple people. Every few items, I slow down, or pause, to let the little screen catch up. Inevitably, at every pause, the box decides that my order is finished, and repeats it back to me, with a total. It really is quite terrible.

Then again, its been about 5 years since I went through a drive through sober. I guess it is the risk factor. Like, you aren't just breaking the rules by driving, your also going to a drive in restaurant. I also am fond of car washes. The extremely rare, drive thru gas station is even better. Someday, in my wildest fantasy, there will be a drive in movie...