Friday, August 8, 2008

The trustworhiness of men, for real this time.

I spoke irrationally. Hope can never be truly lost. Hope is what keeps the world turning, hope that things will change and things will always get more advanced and essentially better. If no hope had existed that one day The colonies would be free we would not be here today. If Hope didn't exist there would be no point, to anything. Hope in a brighter day and in what is to come is what keeps everyone going...the future is what people look toward.
With that said I have to admit I have lost some hope in future happiness with the male gender.
Lately I have seen only the piggish side, the testosterone driven, selfish and degrading bastards that you all can be at times.
I have to hold onto the fact that you all and in fact we all as a species have to go through an emotional roller coaster some times in our lives. We are all faced with the same temptations and doubts about the opposite sex and what we do during these times defines us but only in that time.
I would like to refer to this time as the "oat sowing" period for men and the "wondering" time for women.
Yes, we all falter and need time to explore what could be out there. The idea of the unknown is a powerful one. It can cause separations, divorces, breakups, and sometimes suicides or depression.
Getting through this time in one's life is imperative for success.
The time is obviously meant to be when you are young and gaining more confidence in yourself. This time can last as long or as short as you make it last.
Me personally it last only months. Apparently for other it can last year and potentially a lifetime.
Let's HOPE it doesn't come to that.
It is in this Oat sowing or wondering time that the person decides what they do want in a mate, life partner, husband/wife or general significant other.
It is also when the said person decides what they do not want.
I decided over a year ago what I wanted and have not faltered much since then.
Yes, I won't lie I have been disappointed, heart broken, lost, depressed, broken in general, and just plain in a bad situation.
The problem was the pedestal I created for that person and the idea that he was perfect.
The truth is no one is perfect that however does not mean that no man can meet an expectation a woman has.
Just because people will inevitably let you down at some point in your life does not mean that no one can be trusted or that a man will never be able to be true to a woman. It also doesn't mean that there should be no hope that real love exists.
...I will continue this later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I can totally use this. It is like your justifying my drunken, womanizing habits for me. THANKS! P.S. I came to a stunning conclusion lately that we share many of the same political views as Obama. Well, I dont actually know what his political views are, but it is something about hope.