Tuesday, June 10, 2008

giving and not taking

When it comes to most things in my life I tend to do what will hurt the least amount of people (excluding a few exceptions). This may seem like an admirable personality trait but it really isn't. In doing what will make other people happy I tend to not be happy. In every job I have ever had I did more for the company than it would do for me and still had too much loyalty to leave. I have never had a good paying job but I have stayed at every job I have ever gotten until I left for college or could physically no longer work in that city because of moving. I always put out more than I get back and I can never muster the balls to say when is enough and find a good paying job.
Taco Bell- I loved it for the people. I hate the hours, I hate taking orders and I definitely hate the pay. (2 years)

Bath and Body Works- wouldn't give me enough hours and hassled me to sell what was unsellable even by their standards. Took away the good discount and I hated most of the staff and all of the managers. BUT BUT BUT I loved the products. (christmas break, then the summer break that followed)

Taco Bell (Summer part 1)- I loved the power I had because I had seniority, its amazing how little power it takes to feel powerful and in control. Very very sad...but i felt like I owned the place. I still had to work the shitty hours and have no fun.

Westside Animal Hopsital- worst pay I have ever had, worst boss (at first till she got fired 7 months after i started) only 12-25 hours a week depending on school. Can get boring because it is so slow. I absolutely love the people I work with ( most of the time) and love my job but I do not get the money or hours I need or DESERVE Yet I can not quit, something always stops me from being the bad guy who quits because of money.

I suppose that is the root of the problem. I have this mind set that basing your life off of money is a bad thing. Changing your life because of the almighty dollar will make me a bad person.
I don't know why I have this ideal but it causes me to always be broke. (I also have this habit of being peer pressured into spending money that I don't have to)
If I looked out for my own interests more instead of always being content with working with good people I would be much richer and have more saved. I might also have a better resume...turns out taco bell is not appealing to real jobs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the reason you hated biology is you are not such a down to earth kind of girl.You are sometimes more the romantic type than the rational one. The definition of a job is something that pays you money. Do not be stupid, good coworkers, good hours, good memories are simple distractions. Find a job that supplies you with financial security, and worry about how it makes you feel inside later. Honestly, Taco Bell?