Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Vivid Dream

Last night I had an extremely vivid dream of the perfect proposal. I know even through my cynical exterior I still really want to eventually get married and have kids, despite the fact that I have never seen a great marriage in action, or one even last till death do us part. Even considering my cynical nature I still truly believe that I will marry the love of my life. In this dream I know who it is and anyone who knows me will know who this is, He's a great guy and I love him.
The dream starts right now...
I was surprised to come home to such commotion. After being in gainesville for so long it seemed nothing had changed. all the boxes in the industrial sized garage were still in the same spots. As I head into the house a box catches my eye. It was collaged with things that I like, pictures of harry potter, Matthew Perry amongst other things. As I open the box I see a note from a friend of mine, Corey S. as a long time friend I have religiously read his blogs and found inspriation and fear from them . It was odd, I thought, that he would send me a huge box like this after reading some frightful blogs he wrote I was worried about him and wondered what he would want to give me. As I opened it I saw lots of little notes. Each describing something he wanted me to do. Some things where things i have always wanted to do like take a trip to England or finish my scrapbook. Along with the notes were hints and materials to help me complete these jobs. I started to cry immediatly. "How does corey know me this well", I said aloud to my mom. She immediately thought he had a secret crush on me. I knew it wasn't true but still the evidence was odd. I never told him about my scrapbook or my dreams and hopes and yet somehow he not only knew them but was going to help me do them all.
As I walk into the house (which in a dream is always 5 times bigger than the origional) There he was sitting at the table waiting for me. I start to cry even harder. "How did you do this, what is all this" I said. People started to gather around, people I didn't even know. he pulled out a box and said, "this is for you". I took the ring sized box and shook my head, no way was corey proposing to me. My reaction was what the hell is going on.
The box had a note attached and corey pushed me to read it quickly.
As I opened it I noticed it wasn't his writing it was Josh's. It said...
" You said no the first time so I figured if I had someone else ask for me you would say yes., love josh"
It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen and not because it was a huge diamond because it wasn't, it was beautiful because Josh found the most surprising way to ask me to marry him. Odd, yes...but definitely surprising. Corey just smiled and congradulated me. I didn't even have to say yes. My tears and loss of words was enough. I couldn't breathe. Where the hell is he, I asked.
"you'll see", corey said with a sly smile.
I almost started hyperventilating.
Then as I get up to show my family the ring, they were unsurprised, it seems everyone knew except for me that this was going to happen.
I couldn't wait to see him, then out of the crowd of people I saw him coming toward me smiling, the same smile he has every time he does something right and he knows it. He always got so mad when I said he couldn't surprise me. He gets too excited and ends up telling me what the surprise is before it can happen. I knew before he could think it that he was going to say "see I can surprise you!" Of course he did say it because he loves to be right.
He admitted to the box that was from corey was really from him he just wanted to throw me off, and he wanted us to do all these things together.
I know it seems weird but to me that was the perfect proposal, well thought out, surprising, and josh's style.
I just cried and cried in the dream. it just ended abruptly. If dreams are supposed to mean anything then I suppose I had this because I have been thinking about my future alot, I 've been hanging out with an old manager who knew josh and I together when we were really happy and both equally in love. She was talking about marriage and I brought corey into it because I just read his blogs before I went to bed.
So it's either that theory or well, I have just prophesied that josh and I will get engaged again. I guess we'll see.

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