Thursday, June 26, 2008

Relationships never work, apparently...

One of the reasons I was initially so freaked out about getting married when I was engaged was that the divorce rate is far too high. It seems like you have the same chance of staying together as you do divorcing. It's come down but it was like 85% divorce rate in the U.S. Now it's closer to 50/50.
I talked with a coworker who is going through a divorce right now. well, not officially. Her husband lives in Atlanta and she lives here, works two jobs, has no transportation, has four kids to support and no help from their father who is sleeping around on her. Apparently he has been sleeping around on her since they first got married. He even has a mood he is in when he is cheating. She claims it was on and off and mostly on again.
My heart went out to her. 'This is why people divorce', I thought about this on the way home from dropping her off. There are several reasons the divorce rate is so high,
1) people are too young and stupid to get married but do anyway.
2) people have accidental pregnancies.
3) people people rush into marriage.
4) people do not know who they are marrying.
5) people marry for reasons other than love and friendship.
6) people don't work out their relationship with God as well as each other.

ok, there should have only been 5, i felt the last one was good so I had to throw it in there.
These are the all bad reasons to get married and these relationship hardly ever work out.
Now onto my example of a good marriage, Tina and Sean Hult.
The have been married for 10 years and only fought over the normal things like money. They are still madly in love and each others soul mate.

I don't believe in soul mates anymore. I now believe in love differently. Lately, I have hated love and the power it has to destroy a life. There isn't just one person out there that you are meant for i suppose. It seems that everyone must get hurt at least once in their lives.

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